I find it hard to believe that I am approaching a year that I have been seeing someone. I find it harder to believe that there was someone out there that seems to be made just for me and that she actually is willing to put up with all my "stuff".
Being a recovering addict is hard enough, but trying to date one (as Dawn is) is even a more difficult task. Intellectually I know how to live one day at a time, and to deal with life on life's terms, but so much emotional baggage can rear its ugly head that can be more of a challenge.
One of the things I have a hard time with is opening completely up to her. So many times in my past the most important people in my life have used things against me. But time after time, she has shown me that she can accept all that I am and has never pretrayed my trust.
The best part is she is a believer in Jesus Christ. We share a faith in God. We pray together and we worship together. We struggle together and we rejoice together
It feels nice to let my heart love again. It feels nice to have that loved recieved.
Thank you Dawn for loving me!! I love you so much!