It may come to a shock to some to learn that I lean to the right on the political spectrum. And I always am delighted to point out the hypocracy of the left. For example, this Fairness Doctrine that is being re-considered. Talk about disregarding the Constitution. Isn't that the complaint of Bush's foes?
Let me think...which amendment would the Fairness Doctrine trample on??? Oh..the First amendment. me...since it is first....the forefathers must have thought it was a tad important. Of course language can sometimes be unclear, so I can see how the Dems might need ...wait...I just read seems pretty darn clear to me...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Shall make no law...yeah..that is subject to interpretation.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Teachers Stage Fake Gun Attack
During a school trip teachers decide to conduct a drill that backfires horribly. According to the school, this was simply a "prank" to be used as a tool for learning. The memo issued by the school down play their responsibility for such a thoughtless act on children and blame parents and media for making a bigger deal out of this that what it merits. But I can't help but think what would their opinion be if a student conducted a similar prank in the school? Or posted a threatening prank on the web? I recall things like this happening and those students were prosecuted.
So, what did the kids learn anyway? Will this be on a test next week?
So, what did the kids learn anyway? Will this be on a test next week?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Way Big Government Should Be
Ok...frankly I am getting tired of listening to the news and hearing the same old rhetoric from the political parties. I think we should look at what they do in Taiwan and broadcast it on the Fox network during prime time. I think this would:
1: Get Nascar fans and WWF fans politically involved
2: Get name recognition for political canidates
3: Improve our economy through advertising dollars.
Just imagine how satisfying it would be to see Nancy Pelosi and Dick Cheney go at it??
1: Get Nascar fans and WWF fans politically involved
2: Get name recognition for political canidates
3: Improve our economy through advertising dollars.
Just imagine how satisfying it would be to see Nancy Pelosi and Dick Cheney go at it??
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
My First Post it is my first post. I am at a loss as to what I should write about but perhaps I should write something that might give insight to who I am without being that typical autobiographical type stuff.
I will do this by talking about a book in the bible. Now I tremble at this idea because I am of no authority to discuss such things because I am so new in my Christian walk. But what brought me here, however was a life time in the making. So I will at least talk about this book from the point I know so well; how it relates to me and people like me. The book I want to use as an introduction of me is the book of Ephisians. I really got an appreciantion for this book by reading a book by Watchman Nee called "Sit, Walk, Stand".
The Ephesians’ church had been planted through Paul’s influence, and for a few years he had served as its pastor. This church thrived in a city renowned as a center for the worship of the goddess Artemis (also known as Diana). While Paul was there, the Ephesian believers maintained a strong attachment to him, and when he left they openly expressed their sorrow.
How could the Ephesian church survive for the long haul in it hostile environment? They could not depend on Paul’s presence forever, with God’s help they would have to learn to stand on their own. Paul wrote this letter to remind the Ephesian believers to place their faith in the only solid foundation for healthy living -- God.
How can we maintain our recovery in a hostile environment? None of us have the resources or strength to initiate and sustain our recovery alone. Paul asserted one important fact: We can change! But our transformation is possible only on God’s terms. We can recover if we break with our former way of life and depend on God’s power to help us change. While programs and supportive people are helpful. Lasting recovery happens only when we recognize our need for a higher power-the God who created us and sustains our life.
Belief in God and obedience to his will are keys to a genuine, stable recovery. If we adopt an attitude of submissions to God’s authority and care, and our attitudes and actions reflect God’s truth, we will indeed make progress. Recovery that ignores God is doomed to failure; recovery that depends on God will succeed.
How could the Ephesian church survive for the long haul in it hostile environment? They could not depend on Paul’s presence forever, with God’s help they would have to learn to stand on their own. Paul wrote this letter to remind the Ephesian believers to place their faith in the only solid foundation for healthy living -- God.
How can we maintain our recovery in a hostile environment? None of us have the resources or strength to initiate and sustain our recovery alone. Paul asserted one important fact: We can change! But our transformation is possible only on God’s terms. We can recover if we break with our former way of life and depend on God’s power to help us change. While programs and supportive people are helpful. Lasting recovery happens only when we recognize our need for a higher power-the God who created us and sustains our life.
Belief in God and obedience to his will are keys to a genuine, stable recovery. If we adopt an attitude of submissions to God’s authority and care, and our attitudes and actions reflect God’s truth, we will indeed make progress. Recovery that ignores God is doomed to failure; recovery that depends on God will succeed.
My hope for this and future blogs is that I do God's will.
Thanks for reading.
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