Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Perhaps Bush did not lie....

I am amazed that the liberals forget that they too once believed that Saddam had WMD's, supported Terrorism and even was seeking Nukes. But the hatred for George W. is so deep that they will accuse him of anything.

As I see it, Bush made the decision he made based on the evidence he had. Evidence that everyone else had and believed as well. I am confident, if this happened on Clintons watch, he would have taken similar actions. If John Kerry was in office, he too would have taken similar action.

At least, I hope they would have put the safety of our nation ahead of their liberal leanings.


Leo said...


Those who call the president a criminal and a liar are wrong. IMHO, He wanted to do what was best for the US but he was simply fooled. He and his administration interpreted the data and were deceived by Saddam's posturing. Sad but true.

I am not sure that Kerry would have responded as Bush did. I think Kerry would have listened to Hans Blix and believed that no WMD existed.

Hindsight is 20/20.

Dawn said...

This is a link worth viewing as well.


Leo said...

After viewing the video from the GOP I will amend my previous statement to, The United States Government wanted to do what was best for the US but was simply fooled. The United States Government interpreted the data and was deceived by Saddam's posturing. Sad but true.

While I am no fan of John Kerry, he does seem to be absent from the GOP video. I do wonder if his lack of clarity during the 04 campaign was due to his distrust in from the CIA?

Todd Saunders said...

The Dems wanted to wait for more international participation which in the end would have given all involved time for a good reality check to bring them hopefully the realization that Saddam would just be replaced by another depotic regime after prolonged wasteful civil war. Or Iraq would be broken up into three independent ethnic parts.

It seems to me George W. rushed to war having to do with a naive sense of liberating the people of Iraq, oil, and simply knowing no other tact but to return evil for evil.

It's useless to start throwing broad labels around because then Colin Powell is a liberal and Joe Lieberman is a conservative.

Accusing the other side of being hateful is about the only credible defense left for anyone trying to excuse Bush.

Welcome to blogdom.

Todd Saunders said...

Thanks for entertaining my opinion here Michael. It's a divisive topic.

Unforced Rhythms of Grace said...


I am not afraid of devisive topics.

What has always irked me was those in opposition of Bush suggesting he lied and even was behind the initial attack in New York. There are other arguements that perhaps he was too quick too act, or perhaps he should have waited to convince more nations to join us or many other arguements other than he is simply.

The video posted certainly, to me, shows that our country beleived exactly the what Bush enumerated as his reasoning for going into Iraq.

Now we do have a mess. I believe we have to lean on the Government of Iraq to get their act together!

I appreciate your view point Todd!!

Dawn said...

Michael "There are other arguements that perhaps he was too quick too act, or perhaps he should have waited to convince more nations to join us or many other arguements other than he is simply."

The thing is, many nations did say they would join us and support us with their troops (the number of nations was something like 80 or 90...my memory is somewhat vague on this), but due to pressure from those in the various anti-war camps along with the smear campaign of the media many countries pulled out. So, in the beginning, we did have many allies. And, I think many people forget that the UN backed the Bush Administration's decision to go to war with Iraq.

Unforced Rhythms of Grace said...

One thing I am completely convinced about (and this has nothing to do with whether one agrees or disagrees with this war) is that the left hates this president so much that they are willing to sacrafice the safety and freedom of our nation just to do him in. Bush is not the enemy.

Leo said...

Gotta agree that the left hates Bush.

I'm reading Robert McNamara's mea culpa on Vietnam and the parallels are amazing with Iraq. Our intelligence agencies have got to get better. Maybe we should dump the CIA and go with CNN or FOX.