Frankly, universal health care frightens me. It amazes me that you hear from the media and people how the government can't be trusted and how evil the Bush administration is, yet they want a government run health care system. What am I missing?
Most of these people 1) have no clue of the horrors of nationalized health care because the media hasn't told them about it 2) they believe the government should provide for them and 3) they probably believe everything that comes out of Michael Moore's mouth and love his crockumentaries.
Michael, you said "It amazes me that you hear from the media and people how the government can't be trusted and how evil the Bush administration is, yet they want a government run health care system."
But Michael, they only believe that any government run by Republicans is evil.
Great posts everyone!! The other day, in my frustration, I uttered I hope a Democrat wins. Part of me wants that to hopefully show that, first, nothing will change in Iraq and secondly the economy will probably get worse. Look at my state! The conservatives want to lower some taxes but the Democrats are resistant and I am thinking this is the example of the definition of insanity in action. Do the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result, but not getting it. Sad.
Michael is ...a 40-something Michgander who likes movies, television, coffee, women, and song. He's been described as having "a laconic, dry, sense of humor", which might be an understatement. He has a wide array of interests, likes almost all varieties of music to some degree or another, and will try just about anything once (except for asparagus). He wouldn't mind if the U.S. national anthem was replaced by "Louis, Louis". He believes that if you break your shoelace while you're getting dressed for work, you should get a free day off because it's always downhill from there. He loves the smell of the city right after it's rained. He thinks that the English language is fun because there's no correct way to write the sentence, "There are three ways to write the word 'to'." He believes that Diet Dr. Pepper really does taste just like regular Dr. Pepper.
The same people who support it most are most often the quickest to decry monopolies.
Duh...Hillary! Like dude... she has been training for reigning since 1993! The coronation is right around the corner...beware the usurper named Obama!
Most of these people 1) have no clue of the horrors of nationalized health care because the media hasn't told them about it 2) they believe the government should provide for them and 3) they probably believe everything that comes out of Michael Moore's mouth and love his crockumentaries.
Michael, you said "It amazes me that you hear from the media and people how the government can't be trusted and how evil the Bush administration is, yet they want a government run health care system."
But Michael, they only believe that any government run by Republicans is evil.
Great posts everyone!! The other day, in my frustration, I uttered I hope a Democrat wins. Part of me wants that to hopefully show that, first, nothing will change in Iraq and secondly the economy will probably get worse. Look at my state! The conservatives want to lower some taxes but the Democrats are resistant and I am thinking this is the example of the definition of insanity in action. Do the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result, but not getting it. Sad.
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