Friday, March 28, 2008

Global warming...My motives...

Joel responded to a post on Global warming I had written. Joel said...
"Read Peter Doran's clarification of one of the articles you posted. I bring this up because the essential part of the global warming arguement should be about facts and interpretation, not a shotgun blast of journal titles that seem to contradict other scientific findings. Also, anyone who has been involved in scientific research knows that the idea that scientists are a "team that goes along (with the 'popular' idea)" knows that statement to be far from the truth. Finally, I can say that personally, my environmentalism was caused by my learning and understanding of science. Many of you suggest that environmentalists become scientists to forward misleading theories based on previously-held beliefs. I think you are way off the mark here."

Joel suggests that I hold a belief that enviromenatalists become scientists to forward misleading theories. That is not true. What I do believe is that there is certainly a force to treat as absolute fact a cause for global warming and I have been saying that more research is needed to determine what the reasons are. Peter Doran acknowldeges that even in the Antartic that some areas show a warming trend while others show a cooling trend. He acknowledges that more needs to be studied in order to determine a actual trend. I know he believes that on a global scale, temperatures are rising. I am sure he believes it is cause by humans, but he does not know, just like I don't know that it is not.

Joel was critical of the "shot gun blast" of journal titles. That is not a shot gun blast, but a list of scholary articles, many published in refereed journals showing what other people are researching. This type of thing is essential in a scientific debate. It also shows that human caused global warming is not a fact. It is a hypothesis that still needs testing.

One of the main reason I feel strongly about showing the other side of the debate is because nothing ticks me off more than when I hear from a politician or read letter to the editor suggesting a solution to global warming is to raise taxes on gasoline. That is just idiotic. No matter how high the price of gas goes, the distance I drive to work will remain the same. I will still burn fuel. I still will put carbon dioxide into the air. And the earth will warm or cool as it pleases.


dmarks said...

I'm sold on the whole theory now. Around here, things seem to be a lot warmer than they were two months ago. Definite climate change.

Unforced Rhythms of Grace said...

Yes...I have noticed that trend too. I am not sure if it is a natural trend or one cause my man..well...politicians as the race for the white house heats up?

Leo said...

Good point, dmarks, I noticed yesterday that very little snow remains on my property. It all makes sense. Then again it could be from all the heat that Kwame is under!

Dawn said...

Strange. The same warming trend is occurring in my part of the country! =:o