Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Member of the Family

Meet Jesse. He is a 15 pound, 6 week old German Shephard. He belongs to my daughter and I am thankful I don't have to clean up after this pooch!!!

Oil from Bug Poop

I really don't know what the big deal is about bacteria that give off "oil" as a waste product. Washington D. C. has been giving off hot gas for years!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another side to the Global Warming Arguement.

This is a very interesting video and does show that there is another point of view and perhaps the debate is not over. I find it interesting that we can even suggest that a scientific debate to be over especially when the science is so uncertain. Dire enviromental predictions depend on models which depend on assumptions about complex planetary systems that no one fully understands. These models are based on linear mathmatics which try to describe chaotic systems. Which is why the models are inherently flawed and forever changing. With all these uncertainties built into the global warming arguements, the conclusions that they produce are at best speculative.

Universal Health Scare

For those who think that Univerisal Health care is going to cover everyone univerisally....well...just check out what goes on in Canada. Certainly this is an extreme case, but the rules that will be imposed on us under a Univerisal Health Care plan will leave many without medical benefits. I think a better way would be to create a system where individuals can purchase their own plans like they do auto insurance. Also, the government could give tax credit for health care expenditures, dollar for dollar, rather than waiting for some thresh hold to be obtained.