Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alaska glaciers grew this year

Not only did the Artic cap not melt, but the ice mass in Alaska is actually growing. This is not to suggest that we should not look for alternative fuels and be good to our enviroment. But what it does suggest is that perhaps man's influence on the enviroment and specifically global warming is not as significant as the pundits would have us believe. And the costly fixes that they demand are not needed.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

My church did this last Sunday and it was an incredibly powerful service. We had 40 individuals cross our stage and the power and glory of our Lord and Savior was present.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tax Cut Myth

If I just listen to the political ads, I would think that George W. Bush cut the taxes on the rich and soaked the middle class with taxes. But that is not the case. As a matter of fact, according to the the IRS and Wall Street Journal, the very rich are paying a huge hunk of the burden. Here are some interesting numbers: 97% of the taxes are paid by the top 50% of income earners. 86% of the taxes are paid by the top 25% and this is an increase from 84% prior to the Bush administration. Finally, 39% of the taxes are paid by the top 1% of the rich people in this country.
How much more patriotic can the rich people be?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Has it really been 7 years since I walked into Leo's office saying a plane flew into one of the towers in New York? I remember sitting in my office listening to the radio when the first reports of the attack came over the airwaves. Initially it was there was amazement that a comercial plane could "accidently" hit the towers. Minutes later, when the second plane struck, there was no doublt this was of evil design.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's the Little Things...

I found this story about how the DNC handle the flags after their convention rather disturbing. I also question the choice of credential design used at the DNC convention. All this goes to what I can only conclude is a lack of respect for our flag and for our country. You have a potential first lady who has only become proud of her country when her husband became the Democratic nominee.

Flag Etiquette

The Flag Code, which formalizes and unifies the traditional ways in which we give respect to the flag, also contains specific instructions on how the flag is not to be used. They are:

  • The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing. It is flown upside down only as a distress signal.

  • The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.

  • The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard

  • The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

  • The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

  • The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.

When the flag is lowered, no part of it should touch the ground or any other object; it should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and ceremoniously.
The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary.
When a flag is so worn it is no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, it should be destroyed by burning in a dignified manner.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Artic Ice

Remember towards the beginning of the year they were predicting that the artic ice was going to completely melt away?? Guess what? It did not happen. As a matter of fact, there is 30 per cent greater amount of ice on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. Imagine that.

Hmm...I am beginning to think that all this man made global warming stuff might belong in the same category as big foot. But as my friend's 10 year old son told me (about bigfoot), if it appeared in the Macomb must be true.

Friday, August 15, 2008

This is just cool

I don't know about you, but I find this very cool. Makes me want to go out and chase a storm!

Update: it is ashame it is no longer available. It was really awesome.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Member of the Family

Meet Jesse. He is a 15 pound, 6 week old German Shephard. He belongs to my daughter and I am thankful I don't have to clean up after this pooch!!!

Oil from Bug Poop

I really don't know what the big deal is about bacteria that give off "oil" as a waste product. Washington D. C. has been giving off hot gas for years!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another side to the Global Warming Arguement.

This is a very interesting video and does show that there is another point of view and perhaps the debate is not over. I find it interesting that we can even suggest that a scientific debate to be over especially when the science is so uncertain. Dire enviromental predictions depend on models which depend on assumptions about complex planetary systems that no one fully understands. These models are based on linear mathmatics which try to describe chaotic systems. Which is why the models are inherently flawed and forever changing. With all these uncertainties built into the global warming arguements, the conclusions that they produce are at best speculative.

Universal Health Scare

For those who think that Univerisal Health care is going to cover everyone univerisally....well...just check out what goes on in Canada. Certainly this is an extreme case, but the rules that will be imposed on us under a Univerisal Health Care plan will leave many without medical benefits. I think a better way would be to create a system where individuals can purchase their own plans like they do auto insurance. Also, the government could give tax credit for health care expenditures, dollar for dollar, rather than waiting for some thresh hold to be obtained.

Friday, May 23, 2008

What Liberalism is About...

Finally, Democrats reveal their true colors and intentions. Oil, Health Care and who knows what else!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Global warming...My motives...

Joel responded to a post on Global warming I had written. Joel said...
"Read Peter Doran's clarification of one of the articles you posted. I bring this up because the essential part of the global warming arguement should be about facts and interpretation, not a shotgun blast of journal titles that seem to contradict other scientific findings. Also, anyone who has been involved in scientific research knows that the idea that scientists are a "team that goes along (with the 'popular' idea)" knows that statement to be far from the truth. Finally, I can say that personally, my environmentalism was caused by my learning and understanding of science. Many of you suggest that environmentalists become scientists to forward misleading theories based on previously-held beliefs. I think you are way off the mark here."

Joel suggests that I hold a belief that enviromenatalists become scientists to forward misleading theories. That is not true. What I do believe is that there is certainly a force to treat as absolute fact a cause for global warming and I have been saying that more research is needed to determine what the reasons are. Peter Doran acknowldeges that even in the Antartic that some areas show a warming trend while others show a cooling trend. He acknowledges that more needs to be studied in order to determine a actual trend. I know he believes that on a global scale, temperatures are rising. I am sure he believes it is cause by humans, but he does not know, just like I don't know that it is not.

Joel was critical of the "shot gun blast" of journal titles. That is not a shot gun blast, but a list of scholary articles, many published in refereed journals showing what other people are researching. This type of thing is essential in a scientific debate. It also shows that human caused global warming is not a fact. It is a hypothesis that still needs testing.

One of the main reason I feel strongly about showing the other side of the debate is because nothing ticks me off more than when I hear from a politician or read letter to the editor suggesting a solution to global warming is to raise taxes on gasoline. That is just idiotic. No matter how high the price of gas goes, the distance I drive to work will remain the same. I will still burn fuel. I still will put carbon dioxide into the air. And the earth will warm or cool as it pleases.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sobering Video

Newt Gingritch offers some thoughts on the war on terror and how displaced from reality we are. I think he makes some good points regarding the nature of these Muslim terrorists and how our secular logic does not apply.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Happy? Groundhog Day!

According to reports, we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter. Thanks Phil....thanks!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The apology

Here is a link to a cartoon from the Mike Thompson Blog.

Taking a page from the James McGreevy play book, Kwame used his wife to gain sympathy from the people of Detroit.

Ultimately, he will have to answer to the real issue of lying under oath ultimately costing the city nearly 9 million dollars.

For the past week, this scandal has really taken the focus off the issues of the city and for that reason, this mayor should step down. His actions has called into question everything he has done in the past and what he may do in the future.

Below is the "apology" offered by the mayor:

And is some art work from a co-worker:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

He is worthy...

Today was not a good my own definitions. What I like about this song is it puts my mind back where it should be. Today is a great day

Monday, January 21, 2008

All Creatures Great and Small

I look at this cat and my heart wants him. My daughter sees him and she is instantly in love. Why? It is a defected feline. Crippled. Not perfect. Yet Em's heart and my heart are completely captured.

It is not because we feel sorry for the cat. Emily told me that Charlie seems more loving, more affectionate than a "normal" cat. She sees the cat, not for what he might lack in coordination, but what attributes he has that are unique to him. Perhaps he sees his "brokeness" (ok..I am reading more into a cat than what he thinks) and appreciates more.

My next thought was when our Heavenly Father sees our brokeness his heart does not close. Instead, it opens right up and he wants to draw us near. This is because he sees us not as we are, but as he has created us. I sometimes have to remember this, otherwise I can really get down on myself. I have to remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

How does God speak to you?

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

That was todays scripture that appears on my blog. Frankly I am blown away. I am blown away because of the subjects I have written about here. Because of what others have revealed in their blogs...I think for the first time. Because of the subjects shared at my last recovery meeting. Because of stuff my accountabilty partner...oh best friend has shared with me.

I don't know how God talks to you or others. But this is how I hear God's voice in my life. Things pop up in the weirdest places..and usually in multiples. As is the case for me in the past few days. Oh...I do not delude myself in thinking I am special. I am absolutely sure that God speaks to us all. But we have to listen for him. I spent 42 solid years not listening for God, so I missed a lot of good conversation. But I am making up for it now.

So...before you go to bed....or eat that meal...or go off in your car. Turn off the radio, tv, and other noise...and listen. God has something cool to say today.

Hillary's Campaign Car

I have to thank my buddy Joe for sending this too me:

If Hillary were to design a car, based on the way she lays out her campaign message, this is what it may look like.

You figure out which way she's heading.

Universal Health Care

Frankly, universal health care frightens me. It amazes me that you hear from the media and people how the government can't be trusted and how evil the Bush administration is, yet they want a government run health care system. What am I missing?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Privacy is Dead....Long Live Privacy

Oh, just great!
This kind of idea will seriously jeopardize my googling and Youtubing!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Save Me From Myself

"The amazing true story of an out-of-control rock star, his devastating addiction to drugs, and his miraculous redemption through Jesus Christ."

This is the true story of Brian "Head" Welch's, former lead guitarist and founding member of Korn, deliverance from the shackles of addiction. I picked this book up after hearing my pastor read some sections of it. Immediately I identified with Head in his struggle with addiction and the process of finding our Lord Jesus while in the midst of this insanity.

As addicts we take ourselves out of the whole context of what is right or wrong. We have lost control, no longer having the power of choice and are not free to stop. Eventually addicts die or they recover. There is no middle ground. And to recover we must find God. There, too, is no compromise. Step 2 in AA states: We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. This power is God and He will complete take away the obsession of our addictions if we are willing to surrender our lives for His will.

Save Me From Myself is a story of exactly this. It is honest and it is raw, but I have come away, so far, with the feeling of its authenticity. Like Head, I found Christ when I was a teen, and like Head, I turned away and lived an entirely different life than what God had intended. At the church I went too, I still felt disconnected. I felt a distant between me and my Savior and I certainly could not relate to the people I attended church with. I lived in this insanity for decades before coming to the church I now attend.
One of the programs they have is Celebrate Recovery. In CR I met other people like me. Finally, I found men and women that had real issues I could relate too and passionately sought God! The purpose of Celebrate Recovery’s ministry is to fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through the "8 Recovery Principles." This experience allows us to "be changed." By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power - Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power.
I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to see the first hand accounts of the devastating power of addiction and ultimately how God works in the trenches to heal what most may view as lost causes! Head's growing addiction to methamphetamines crippled his career and jeopardized his relationship with his young daughter. After a long battle, Head found God, quit the band, kicked drugs, and lived to tell. His confession holds little back. The bottom came when a tweaked-out Head hears his 5-year-old daughter, Jennea, sing the misogynistic lyrics to Korn's A.D.I.D.A.S. ''I was already in the gutter,'' he writes. ''I knew it was time for me to try and reach out for help.''
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 is sexist...but I am not screaming for anyone to iron my shirt!

I got these in an email from a female friend . The chemist part of me really appreciated the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


Both Huckabee and Ron Paul have suggested that the Constitution should be amended eliminating birthright to citizenship. At first I was completely against this idea, but after reading what the 14th Amendment really meant in historical terms, I am thinking that this should be considered.

The 14th Amendment was ratified on July 9, 1868 and it was intended to secure rights for former slaves, people who were brought here against their will. According to some Houston hospitals, administrators estimate that 70 or 80% of the babies born have parents who are in the country illegally. The birthright citizenship is being used fraudulently and is taxing the resources of the United States.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


This is a very difficult blog to write. It is a subject that is very close to me in that I am an addict and I could have been the man that caused such destruction. I have been following the case of the accident in Toledo that took and ruined so many lives. I have been following Leo's blogs on the subject. Each time I have wanted to comment on them because they touch me deeply to my core. It reminds me of my own journey through the lies of addiction.
I am an addict. However, through the Grace of God and only by His Grace, I am a recovering addict today. Addiction is certainly a tool of the enemy. Here is a summary of the addictive process:

  • It begins with an overpowering desire for a high, relief pleasure, or for escape.

  • It provides satisfaction. For me it was a satisfaction I have never known before in my life.

  • It is sought repeatedly and compulsively.

  • It then takes on a a life of its own.

  • It becomes excessive

  • Satisfaction diminishes.

  • Distress is produced

  • Emotional control decreases.

  • Ability to relate deteriorates.

  • Ability for daily living is disrupted.

  • Denial becomes necessary

  • It takes priority over everything else

  • It becomes the main coping mechanism.

  • The coping mechanism stops working.

  • The party is over.

For any addict or alcoholic, the progression is relentless and inevitable. Within any given moment of our lives, however, we were unaware of the extent it had driven us and refused to see where it was leading. Like revelers riding a raft down a river of pleasure, we were unaware of the awesome power of the rapids or the whirlpool ahead.

I am not sure at what point I became an addict. I do know that a significant source was the relationship I had with my father. Because it I closed off inside, like dropping a curtain between me and him; and the world too, somehow. I threw some kind of tremendous silent switch. I would never again be on the outside what I was on the inside. What I was on the inside suddenly changed, and part of me retreated into that dark tunnel, way inside myself. I think that's when my resentment must have crystallized inside me. Let me see if I can play it back.

I remember turning away from my father, silently submissive on the outside, but something on the inside turned deep and dark. I just know I had a drastic change in attitude then, like a whole new mode of being. I was going to do what I wanted to do!

This attitude was against my dad. In order for me to keep doing what I wanted. I had to set myself against him. But it had to be on the inside, because I was afraid to assert myself.

There wasn't even a dilemma; I just went ahead and used again without a thought. But every time thereafter, using had a totally new feeling to it. It got me out of myself. A vast satisfaction. Great relief. Total escape from that inner pressure. What a fantastic release!

As a matter of fact, the first and subsequent using and drinking seemed like totally different experiences. The first was simply a new and pleasurable physical sensation that I didn't understand and something I could not bring out and discuss. The others weren't really physical at all; acting out was merely the means for entering a whole new and free world inside me. It was spiritual, there's no other way to describe it. I really can't overstate this feeling. The physical was nice but not big deal; but what a glorious discovery the other was!

However, this glorious discovery was a lie! I would find myself stealing away, racing into Detroit to score and return undetected. I was married to a wonderful woman, I had two great kids, a career and none of that was enough to keep me sober. I was doing what I wanted to do in an ideal situation, surrounded by love and nurturing and yet I kept on going downhill. I began to see that all those great feelings of release and freedom that had accompanied the progression of the malady had been delusions. I had no idea that I was deluding myself, creating my own insanity. One stage at a time, I had been seducing and victimizing myself into a great lie: The Wages of Addiction is Life. I had never come to terms with the true nature of my problem: The Wages of Addiction is Death!

I progressed in the lie until finally, even the thought of using or merely seeing something related to alcohol ignited the compulsion, and I would have to go out and score my "drug". As the pattern of periodic despair worsened relentlessly, I finally concluded that I would never have true relief until I was dead and buried!

I tried everything to stop and handle this thing. I even considered exorcism believing at a time I was possessed! There was nothing left for me to try; there was nowhere else to go and still be in charge, managing my will and life. I see now that all my religious striving and psychotherapy I was waiting for the miracle to happen first, that I should somehow be zapped or "fixed," unable to ever fall or be tempted again. I thought that if a person just had the right religious belief, he was automatically "a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." That all thought of using would be removed, much as a tumor would be excised by a surgeon. The "religious solution" was one of the subtlest strategies in my arsenal of denial.

What I did not realize that the essence of being human is to have free choice. God does not want to remove from me the possibility of falling; he wants me to have the freedom to choose not to fall. I'd been praying self-righteously all along, "Please God, take it away!" no realizing my inner heart was piteously whining, " I won't have to give it up." There was belief in God without surrender. That belief availed nothing! I had never died to addiction! I finally got it back on April 9th, 2005.

That date certainly does not represent the end of pain, that is for sure. But it does represent the admission I was an addict and I had to finally take responsibility for me. It represents the day I gave up. Surrendered. That no amount of earthly power could "cure" me. I finally turned my will to God and gave all of me to Him. October 16, 2005 I found a church that is now my home church. I am a follower of Christ that has issues!

I can't believe that the person I have written about today is the same one who used to think and do the things I've described. Actually, that other person was a slave, he was living in a world of fantasy and illusion, only for himself, and always alone. He had never matured through emotional adolescence and was spiritually dead. He could not cope either with his own emotions or with life in the big world out there, and was constantly running. Running to satisfy demands of alcohol, addiction, lust, all that could never be satisfied. Running from who he really was, running from others, running from life, running from God, the source of his life.

The running is over. I have found what I was really looking for.