Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Both Huckabee and Ron Paul have suggested that the Constitution should be amended eliminating birthright to citizenship. At first I was completely against this idea, but after reading what the 14th Amendment really meant in historical terms, I am thinking that this should be considered.

The 14th Amendment was ratified on July 9, 1868 and it was intended to secure rights for former slaves, people who were brought here against their will. According to some Houston hospitals, administrators estimate that 70 or 80% of the babies born have parents who are in the country illegally. The birthright citizenship is being used fraudulently and is taxing the resources of the United States.


Dawn said...

You are right Michael. The 14th Amendment was not intended to be an automatic Green Card for the children of illegals aliens. I agree that the Constitution should be amended since it is being used for purposes not intended. But this has become so political I'm not sure there will be enough votes in Congress to pass such an amendment.

dmarks said...

Fraudulent, yes... but are the babies commiting the crime?

Dawn said...

No, the babies aren't committing the crime, but the people responsible for their babies ARE. That argument doesn't fly. The fact remains that these babies are Mexican nationals since their parents are Mexican nationals. The original intent of the law does NOT recognize babies born here illegally as citizens. It is that simple. Babies born here illegally were never citizens to begin with.

The problem here is our own government is disobeying its own law. And since they're choosing to misinterpret the law for purely political purposes an amendment MUST be made.

To make matters worse, the majority of these illegals do NOT want to assimilate. They want to TAKE OVER our land and make it their own. They're erecting Mexican flags in their yards and at their businesses! They refuse to learn English and the ones who do know English speak it only when necessary and many times PRETEND they do not understand.

There are too many horror stories to tell about how the illegals are ruining our country.

dmarks said...

I agreed with you earlier when you said that the Constitution would have to be amended. As it is right now, it says

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

It is very clear that these children are US nationals, not Mexicans. No exceptions are made. Any "intent' was left out of the statement. The rest of the Amendment makes it clear that to deny them their citizenship rights, you would have to go through some due process. That is, try each baby in a court of law for its crimes. The due process part helps drive home my point about these children being US citizens, and that you can't punish a person for the crimes of their relatives.

Switching the subject from legal US citizens to illegal ones:

As for ruining the country, yes there are many bad ones. But for every trouble maker you see, there are probably a bunch whose only crime is crossing the border in order to work hard and make a living. I will say that I don't live in Texas, and if I did, I might have a different view...

Dawn said...

Dmarks, we will probably never agree on this topic. The Fourteenth Amendment assumes one is here legally, thus, anyone born here to legal citizens is a citizen. That's all the energy I have to exert on the issue at this point. If you feel the need to win this discussion, I concede. You win! :-)

dmarks said...

Sorry.... I can get ramped up on these political things every once in a while!

I just don't think that the act of being born in a place can ever be a criminal trespass.

Unforced Rhythms of Grace said...

It certainly is true that being born someplace is not crimminal, but it should not mean you are automatically a citizen either. We have a huge problem with people coming over for the purpose of giving birth here and that has to be fixed. I don't believe, that babies born before an amendment is added should suddenly be stripped of citizenship, but something needs to be done to remedy future acts.

Dawn, never give up!! This is good stuff. I love it when people are passionate about what they believe it. I wish the canidates exhibited this much passion!! They get passionate and yet say nothing!

Dawn said...

Dmarks, no need to apologize. You're entitled to your opinion and normally I would love to debate this, but right now I've just go too many other things on my plate to do it properly.

Dawn said...

"It certainly is true that being born someplace is not crimminal, but it should not mean you are automatically a citizen either."


"I wish the canidates exhibited this much passion!! They get passionate and yet say nothing!"

Me too!