Friday, January 18, 2008

How does God speak to you?

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

That was todays scripture that appears on my blog. Frankly I am blown away. I am blown away because of the subjects I have written about here. Because of what others have revealed in their blogs...I think for the first time. Because of the subjects shared at my last recovery meeting. Because of stuff my accountabilty partner...oh best friend has shared with me.

I don't know how God talks to you or others. But this is how I hear God's voice in my life. Things pop up in the weirdest places..and usually in multiples. As is the case for me in the past few days. Oh...I do not delude myself in thinking I am special. I am absolutely sure that God speaks to us all. But we have to listen for him. I spent 42 solid years not listening for God, so I missed a lot of good conversation. But I am making up for it now.

So...before you go to bed....or eat that meal...or go off in your car. Turn off the radio, tv, and other noise...and listen. God has something cool to say today.


Leo said...

I especially like the encouragement of the last paragraph.

So...before you go to bed....or eat that meal...or go off in your car. Turn off the radio, tv, and other noise...and listen. God has something cool to say today.

It reminds me of the Out of the Grey Song - He is not silent.

He is not silent! We are not listening!

Dawn said...

Amen Michael! We NEED to be be quiet and wait upon the Lord and listen!