Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Festivus Everyone!!

Festivus is an annual holiday that was made popular by Reader's Digest writer and editor Daniel O'Keefe. It was Daniel's son, a writer for Seinfeld that intorduced this "holiday" to most of us by way of a Seinfeld episode that was air on December 18, 1997.

By December 2004, when Allen Salkin's article about Festivus as a real holiday appeared in the New York Times, thousands of people around the world were celebrating Festivus with parties, grievance-airing, pole-erecting, beer-brewing and the invention of new Festivus rituals.

What I take from this particular episode is how far the Christmas season has moved from it's true meaning. In many ways, the entire season has become as meaningless as this fictional holiday. As soon as Halloween is over, many stations start playing "christmas" music (I put it in quotes because most of the songs don't even mention Christ) non-stop.

Like it or not, this season is about the birth of Christ. When God became man. It all happened in a most remarkable moment. God became a man. Divinity arrived. Heaven opened herself and placed her most precious one in a human womb.

He gave up his place with God and made himslef nothing. He was born to be a man and became like a servant. -Phillipians 2:7

God had come near!!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Amen, Michael. This season IS about the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It's too bad that we've come this far in allowing the season to take on such a different meaning and that we've allowed the secular world to remove nearly all mention of CHRISTmas in favor of Holidays.

Though, I do love Seinfeld and the brilliant way they expose human nature as it sometimes is.