Friday, December 14, 2007

Here is one way not to leave a kid behind..or is it?

I used to feel bad about not doing well in geometry back in high school. Sure I did not try to memorize the theorums and proofs. I usually did not even bother doing the home work. Even still, I felt bad.

But now I don't. What I did not know is that the teachers had high expectations that were unrealistic. They expected me to do my home work, study, and be prepared for exams. What were they thinking??

That is what Principal Bennett Lieberman told his teachers at Central Park East High in East Harlem.

In a memo he has ordered his teachers to lower the standards to increase the rates of passing grades. After all, this is exactly how you prepare the youth of these cities to be prepared for college and the work force.

If only Wayne State did not have those silly rules and expectations....I would be a medical doctor right now.


Leo said...

How much error can one principal pack into one memo? Better yet how much selfishness drives the writing of such a memo? $3000 bonus for successful students - looks to be the motivation from my perspective. This person needs to find another job.

Dawn said...

This is ludicrous. I'm with Leo. The teachers' incentive is money. I suspect money may be the motivation behind this principal's memo? Or maybe it is just that he's bought into the liberal lie that it's better that the children "think" they're doing well rather than them being held to a higher standard. Self esteem and all, ya know. Wouldn't want to look racist either.